Gum Aesthetics

Gum health and aesthetics are as important as our teeth. Healthy gums are pink and firmly attached to the teeth. The anatomy and shape of our gums directly influence our smile and facial appearance. 

The purpose of gum aesthetics (a.k.a. pink aesthetics) is to correct the appearance of the irregular, asymmetric, discoloured, and swollen look of the gums. Asymmetrical and incompatible gums cause the teeth to look different. Swelling of the gums, colour changes, and bleeding also indicate bad health and aesthetics.

Potential gum problems:

  • Abnormally swollen gums cause bacteria plaques to occur easier. Bacterial plaques, in time, cause withdrawal between two teeth and form dark areas. 
  • The swelling of the gums causes the teeth to appear darker than usual. 
  • Another problem with the gums is that the root surfaces begin to appear and the teeth appear longer due to gum recession. 
  • Finally, when patients have too much gum exposed, their teeth look smaller than they should be.


A gingivectomy can help people struggling with gum recession due to gum disease, aging, injury, or bacterial infections. It can prevent further gum damage and make cleaning easier for you and your dentist. Elective gingivectomy for cosmetic reasons helps patients with too much gum tissue to improve their smile and appearance.

Procedure & Process: 

  • It takes anywhere from half an hour up to an hour depending on the amount of gum tissue to be removed. 
  • The process begins with local anesthesia to numb the area. Using either a gingivectomy laser tool or scalpel, your dentist cuts away the gum tissue and shapes your new gum line. 
  • Finally, a soft, pliable substance and bandages are applied to your gums for protection during the healing process.
  • The healing process usually takes around a week.